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Repositories & Collections

Repositories and Collections are a means of storing data, artefacts and cultural heritage items for research purposes


  • From the Archival to the Digital Turn: A Lesson on Source Criticism

    Have you ever reflected on the origin and authenticity of a historical source that you retrieved from the web? This lesson offers insights into how the practice of applying source criticism has been affected by the digital turn. What are the new questions that historians should ask of digitised and digital-born historical sources, and what new skills should they master to be able to answer these questions?
  • DARIAH-DE Publikator Tutorial

    This tutorial explains the fundamentals of the DARIAH-DE Publikator, a tool which allows you to prepare, manage, and finally import your collections into the DARIAH-DE Repository using your favourite internet browser. The Repository provides the ability to store research data and enrich them with metadata. Through the use of persistent identifiers, a permanent machine-readable reference is ensured and findable via a generic search. The tutorial contains guides for users as well as technical documentation.

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